Meet the Team
Jerry Harris
Jerry Harris, CEO of Harris Leasing Company, is an experienced equipment lessor with 50 years in the leasing industry. Over that time Harris Leasing has leased to thousands of Texas companies ranging in size from one person operations to multi-national companies. When the company began in 1969 the leasing concept for items other than industrial equipment was new. That concept has now become a main driver in obtaining the equipment companies need to run their operations.
Mr. Harris attended the University of Texas and in the 1960s worked in the consumer finance industry as well as the office supply and furniture business. It was his idea to combine that experience into a flexible financing solution both for the sellers and users of commercial furnishings and equipment, that being the commercial leasing business.
From the beginning Harris realized that obtaining commercial credit for young companies was difficult. They do not have established references but may have personal good credit and their new business could have a very good chance of succeeding. Over the years Harris Leasing has seen many of its lessees become very large operations that continue to lease their equipment. Their growth and success has become Harris Leasings’ growth and success.
Jerry Harris also believes that a successful entrepreneur should be engaged in service to his community both local, national and internationally. Mr. Harris is a member of the Shriners of North America which operate orthopedic and burn treatment hospitals (free of charge) throughout the USA with two located in the Houston-Galveston area. He is also a 39 year member and Past-President of The Rotary Club of University Area which is one of 33,000 Rotary Clubs of Rotary International which has “Service Above Self” projects around the world. He believes that all business should practice the ROTARY FOUR WAY TEST OF THE THINGS WE THINK, SAY OR DO:
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
David McAndrew
David McAndrew is the Executive Director for Harris Leasing Company, A regional small ticket equipment and office furniture leasing company formed as a Texas corporation in 1969. My primary responsible is for sales and marketing to vendors and end users alike. I also oversee credit approval and investigation, asset management and IT services. (Yes, I wear alot of hats).
I have a broad background and interest in many industries, such as automotive, industrial agriculture (sheep breeding and horses) and cooking.
Current and past volunteer service
Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Assistant riding director for the SPURS Equitation Program at the McNair Equestrian Center at Misty Meadows Ranch. Teaching proper safety, horse care, and riding skills to girls and adults in the SPURS (Super People Using Riding Skills) program
Westbury Soccer Club, Couch for Recreational Soccer U6-U8
Tomball FFA Booster Club, Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve.
Greater Tomball Area Chamber of Commerce